Who links to me? X-ray Rocks: Stop Staring

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Stop Staring


I ab-so-lute-ly love Stop Staring dresses. People really do stare at you when you're wearing one. And they ask you, "Where did you get that dress?" I wish I had some of their business cards - I could totally pass out like 50 cards.

I also wish they would make a green dress. Emerald green/Irish green. It's my favorite colour. Shhhhh. Don't tell the Scots I said that.

Anyway, I'm a big fan of Stop Staring dresses and if someone from Stop Staring reads this I would like some business cards to pass out. It would eliminate this awkward conversation -

Random person on the street - "What brand is that dress?"

Me - "Stop Staring."

Random Person - "Whaaa?"

Me - "St-op St-ar-ing."

RP(offended) - "I wasn't staring."

Me(laughing) - "No! That's the brand! Stop Staring."

RP - "Oh, OK. Thanks."

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