Friday, October 31, 2008

Dr. Horrible

I Love Dr. Horrible!!

I just stumbled upon this funny, funny video on hulu.
Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog

The singing is great and Neil Patrick Harris is such a cutie.

But I want more! Another episode - more, more, more!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

On Y'mark

On your mark-get set-GO!
Tomorrow is a BIG fluoro day - 24 pts and counting!
Keep your fingers crossed for me that it's better than last week!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Goodbye Finger

Hello Saw! Goodbye Finger!!
This guy partially amputated his finger on a circular saw. "I stopped paying attention for one second!" he said.

El Bow

Saturday was a dislocated elbow night. Two in one night - how often does that happen?

This pt was very, very drunk. They gave her 8 of morphine and she was still writhing around on the cart. She also threatened to murder me if I touched her elbow and it hurt her. I couldn't really do a lateral (or an AP or anything that looked right), but I tried and she didn't kill me, so fairly successful.
This next pt dislocated and fractured his radius. He also wanted to kill me. The student I was working with said he looked like he was going to punch me when I was positioning his arm. Hey- if you come to the ER, you're in a lot of pain and you want x-rays done, it might hurt. Boo hoo. Would you rather not know what is wrong with you?
He wouldn't let me move his arm for the AP, so the x-ray below was done with tube/film angle magic. I was pretty close to AP all things considered.
Then I spent an hour in surgery workin' the C-arm.
And ta da- post op films. Looks a lot better, right? (ignore the yellow arrow-it's not pointing at anything)

Post Mortem

AP skull: 39 y/o male suicide - shotgun

*This post will be updated periodically*

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Tripped Up

I had a really awful day today. It was a fluoro day, my first in over a month, and it really sucked. We didn't have a ton of patients, but I kept making mistakes, embarrassing myself and saying things I shouldn't say out loud.
I did one gigantically stupid thing (erase part of a pt's digitally archived exam) and tried to make up for it the whole day. Everyone was really nice to me and supportive, which makes me think that they are probably ripping me down behind my back (that is what they usually do).
And to finish off the day, on my way out, I tripped over a box in the hallway and looked like a retard.
Bad. Day.

Sunday, October 5, 2008