Saturday, January 26, 2008

24 Down

Well, 1 hour down 23 to go.

It's 8:30 AM and I've already dealt with a stupid Dr. If the Rad dictated a report on the dictation line and I can hear it, why can't the Dr.?

'Can you send up a typed report?' - No.

'Why not? Can't you type up the dictation?' -No.

'Why not?' - Because I'm not freaking Med. Records!

'Well, I don't know the # for the dictation system. We don't have those #'s.' - Ok, sigh. Here's the #. (for the 50,000 time.)

How long have we been using this dictation system? For TWO YEARS!! Yes, it's true....they're stupid.

When I work a 24 hour shift, I work 4 hours at regular pay and then for the next 20 hours I'm on call. I live 30 mins. away from the Hosp. so I stay over night in the Hosp. and sleep on a little cot in the dept. - yeah it sucks.

What do they pay me to be on call and literally live at the Hosp.? $3.oo an hour. That's right $3 dollars. When I was a student 4 years ago at a different Hosp. I made $4.50 an hour on call.

At the school Hosp. they let students work nights, week-ends, evenings, and day shifts(on your day off). It was a lot of fun, at times, and really frightening, most of the time. Sometimes you would have a 1st year student playing tech., with a 2nd year and 1st year student assisting...and that was it. 3 students in charge of the whole dept. for a night. Surgery, ER, ICU, ect. We covered everything by ourselves. And this is at a busy Hosp. Not a city Hosp., but still - in a town of 25,000.

After graduation I felt like I already had 2 years of experience being a tech. So, when people still, after 41/2 years of working at this Hosp., ask me if I'm 'new'......I say no.

1 comment:

  1. Don't you just love how everyone else thinks you have a computer in your back pocket to transcribe these things?? It's hard enough just trying nail down a rad for a read much less get a typed report some days!

    BTW-Thanks for the linky love!!
    There's not many x-ray bloggers out here. It's nice to have company now!
